JUPEB RESULT 2023/24 is out

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This is to answer students asking if JUPEB 2023/24 is out? Yes, but not officially released. For every student that wrote the JUPEB examination in month of August. This is to inform you guys that the JUPEB examination result will be out this week between 17th to 23rd, keep tab of this website as we give you update through our inside informant.

However, it should be noted that those who wrote their JUPEB examination in federal University will see their result on time probably through a portal created by the school, top schools in JUPEB like UNILAG, OAU does such while most private schools has it that you will have to go there personally to request for your result as they may not release it to any portal.

I wish you good luck with your result. have a nice time!



just as we mentioned last week that JUPEB result 2023/24 will be out this week, it’s out today 22nd of September 2023. stay tune as we upload some of our students results. it is indeed a nice season for us at IBKintellect Edu Consult


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