Hello there, welcome to the best blog for information, I believe you’re here to know about the 2022/23 cut off mark, of course the general cut off is out already and I’d like you check below in details you’d see all you asked for, don’t forget to subscribe to ANSMYQUES which stands for “Answer my question”, you’re most welcome, now, without further Ado, let’s get into it
This post had be in form of questions and Answers as the objective of the site name resonate, we Answer all questions…
What Is UI Cut off Mark?
The University Of Ibadan, UI Cut-Off Mark is a minimum score or points a candidate who wants to apply for admission into the University Of Ibadan must have in JAMB (UTME) before he or she will qualify to participate in the UI Post UTME screening exercise.
It must be further noted that there are two types of UI Cut-off marks namely; UI General cut-off mark and departmental cut-off points.
UI JAMB Cut off Mark 2022
The current UTME Cut off Mark for UI is 200. The University of Ibadan is inviting candidates who made UI their first choice in the recently concluded UTME for admission into their department of choice.
UI also has supplementary forms for candidates who did not meet the minimum cut-off point for their department. Candidates are expected to have at least 5 Credits in their WASSCE or NECO Result in addition to scoring at least 200 in the UTME. That is the current cut-off mark for all the departments in UI. Candidates who wish to apply for admission into the University of Ibadan should read about UI Post UTME and also visit UI Portal. since time immemorial UI won’t go below standard, just like OAU and UNILAG, their general cut off mark has always and will always be 200, please disregard anything lower than this, you can even as well check if you get the University past years bulletin you’d see it has always been 200
Personally, I once stayed not quite far from the school compound which makes me know more about the school, it was created in 1948, being the first UNIVERSITY in Nigeria, it’s older than NIGERIA independent, also, they admit low every year, cos many supposition has been made to convert it to Post graduate school only, every year, UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN don’t take up to 4000 student, as compare to UNILAG, OAU and some other federal who takes over 9500 students in various departments. The school is generally good and they claim to be the best even UNILAG student will never subscribe to such stance
UI Departmental Cut Off Mark
Although the general cut off mark has been released which is 200, as to the departmental cut off mark for 2022/23, I’d like you bookmark this page or subscribe so you’d get a notification once we edit this post or make the changes as to the new 2022/23 cut off mark, the cut off will be out just after the post ume exam has been conducted.
For the mean time, you should see the images below to keep tab on what you should be looking at has necessary cut off, the below is that of 2021/22, please zoom the images closer