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It is hilarious to say but there are times some other things have to be considered even in middle of tremendous circumstance. Nigeria universities has been shut down for over 5 months currently due to the onslaught of the ASUU strike.

ASUU, short for Academic Staff Union of Universities has embark on this strike since late February and till date hasn’t really find a good ground with the government in meeting their demands, the chairman of the Union once supposes Dr. Chris Ngige, the minister for Labour and Employment is the “obstinate” one and never want progress for the Union. Even at all these, there are some universities in Nigeria you should not leave considering the situation of the country, the economy and probably your Family background.

You might keep asking yourself what the demands of ASUU are or what exactly do they want from the federal government, for you to know the Union is fighting a right cause, below are some of these demand, besides, this doesn’t mean this site is in league with ASUU, we aren’t a supporter of ASUU and neither do we consider federal government action as just because on the long run the only set of persons at the receiving end is either of the pair. It’s like the story of the two elephant that fights so hard, the receiver of the force can only be the grass there.


  1. To honour 2009 agreement he entered with the Union
  2. Federal government to pay N40bn for earned academic allowances
  3. Reviewing condition of lecturers every five years
  4. Adoption of UTAS as against the non-municipal IPPIS
  5. Revitalization of public Universities
  6. 200 Billion Naira Annual five years to revitalization of the Sector

Having mention all these, a quick review of five universities which is not advisable to leave will be done. This does not mean if you are financially capable and gallant monetarily you should not hop on the bus of private Universities, it’s even better this days, at least bye bye to ASUU, but the ground is look before you leap, so you won’t Jeopardize your public University and at same time become drop out in a private university, in our next post, I will do the compilation of different private universities in Nigeria, so for you to see what you’re getting into the pros and con and hi! The fees are not your mate! Anyways that’s for someone whose dad aren’t a politician this days. The Universities to be mentioned below are of high esteem and you should make sure your UK visa has been stamped, everything is set, the finance is there before you try any silly move to say your goodbyes

  1. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU):                  This is one of the top-notch school in Nigeria, according to one of our intel in the school we even gather that some of the lecturers in the school aren’t under ASUU, they are under a separate body entirely but ASUU still serves as a more powerful union compare. The Lecturers even at the commencement of the strike won’t leave class, they keep teaching the student, not all though, but the advent of the newly installed VC and the issue from the fetish indigenes around as to wanting an indigene as the school VC was accessory to the fact as to how the school embrace ASUU finally. It’s difficult to school here due to multiple complains as to how lecturers are being sadist but the truth is the school Student union is incomparable to any other in Nigeria, I personally, has once witness the OAU boys and girls in a competition in Lagos chanting whatever short anthem they’ve got, not only that, some other older people around with bliss sang along. I believe these are some of the very many luxuries available in public university not found in private
  2. University of Lagos (UNILAG):                   Most accurate to say that this is the number 1 “LA POSH” university in the whole of Nigeria, Naturally, Lagos is already a bling city, being in schools like University of Lagos now gives you “Bling Bling Bling”, more like it gives “wiings like Red Bull”. I suppose naturally no one will want to lose their UNILAG admission for an unsure UK school or i-ain’t-financially worthy private University, one should most accurately consider his/her chances well before leaving the “life”. UNILAG is known for its aesthetic beauty, The Lagoon front view both in the day and Night, the lovers meet Makama front, the love garden posh view facing the sky scrapping senate building, the sport center multiple jubilations and the hilarious spoilt boys running above limit car racing at night, Korede spag and iya Moria are to be reckoned with no matter what. You don’t wanna leave except otherwise.
  3. University of Ibadan UI :               known for its popular indication of “First and best” “Premiere” and all those good stuff, although has a slow academic calendar as her calendar most likely not following the other federal school in the federation. UI is also known for its beauty, you go there to solely read, few activities are attached, but your book is more important, unlike UNILAG where you can easily embrace any of it all. The SUB (student Union Building) is I must say a very posh one, the pool and the boulevard, the Zoological garden, the designed hill and slopes and its linkage to the polyethnic from the back. All contribute to its esthetic.
  4. University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) :                  located in the central North of Nigeria and it’s known for its popular Dress-well Notion, UNILORIN is more keen about discipline, even to such length that such undisciplined fellow had be rusticated. The school has the nomenclature of being a Muslim school but instead it’s federal. They were once popular for being the only astray Body who left ASUU for over 20 years and the school that will never strike with others, they joined the body back to start facing all these. A very good school I must say.
  5. University of Nigeria (NSUKKA):          it was established in 1960, not the first university though, but it is title since then the universities in Nigeria.


All that has been said in summary is that these five Universities are highly competitive and you should not leave without a proper good reason or cause, make sure you’re financially worthy and capable before you decide to go and face whatever it is in the UK or the sweet-soft-Boredom in Private University.

We’d like to see you Around some other times, you should subscribe to this blog for School update an advise, and even good schools to attend abroad.

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