AGBO V. STATE The court held that the term accident means an event without apparent cause, unexpected, unforeseen cause of events, unintentional act and chance. Hey there, you’re welcome once again to (short for Answer my Questions) blog, you can...
R V. MATYR M struck a blow at S who subsequently died from a hemorrhage. The medical evidence was that it would not be usual for such a blow to cause death, and that S had a peculiar weakness. Nevertheless the...
R V. CREAMER The prosecution had to prove in a receiving case that the husband and wife were not ‘living together’. It was held that when a husband and wife are living together not only when they are residing together in...
R V. LAWRENCE Lord Atkin said: ‘an essential principle of our criminal law that the trial for an indictable offence has to be conducted in the presence of the accused and for this purpose trial means the whole proceedings including sentene....
R V. AMADU ADAMU The deceased had gone out, armed, to hunt the accused whom he suspected of theft. There was no doubt that the accused who was a thief had killed him, but it was clear from the evidence how...
WALTERS V LUNT The respondents had been charged with receiving from a child aged seven years, certain articles knowing them to be stolen. It was held that a child under eight years in law was incapable of commiting a crime. It...
SUDAN GOVERNMENT V. MOHAMMED HAMMID A struck Z unconscious, tried to revive him in vain, believing him to be dead he threw him into a well in order to screen himself, as a result of which Z died, clearly A’s intention...
THABO MELLI V. R The appellants struck a man with intents to kill him believing him dead when he was only unconscious they rolled him over a cliff in order to make his death appear accidental, he died from subsequent exposure....
R V. MBA The appeal was allowed from a conviction for publishing defamatory matter, knowing it to be false, as there was no proof of such knowledge, the accused might well have believed his publication to be true. Hey there, you’re...
EDU V. COP A post office clerk gave the keys to a cage where parcels were to his assistants, contrary to departmental instructions and a parcel was lost. It was enough to uphold his conviction that he was aware of his...