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151. Why did the “Please, don’t hurt him” make Salim think that the prostitute was part of the conspiracy?
A. Because she said “him” not “me”
B. Because she said “him” not “us”
C. Because she said “Please”
D. Because she said “hurt” not “shoot”

152. “DP” stands for
A. Divisional Police
B. Displayed Picture
C. Digital Photo
D. District Patrol

153. According to Salim, SUVs are popularly called
A. Danfo
B. Benz

C. Jeep

154. In Nigerian English, what is the meaning of “Military Parking”?
A. Parking the car to face where you came to
B. Parking the car to face where you came from
C. Parking the car to face a cul- de-sac
D. Parking the car with the headlights on

155. The full meaning of “SUV” is
A. Sports Utility Vehicle
B. Sports Utility Van
C. Sports Ultimate Vehicle
D. Sports Ultimate Van

156. The Life Changer was written by
A. Bolaji Abdullahi
B. A.H Mohammed
C. Khadija Abubakar Jalli
D. Ummi Ahmad

157. The novel is divided into how many chapters
a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 10

158. What was Tomiwa’s Village food for kings?
A. Rats
B. Danwake
C. Snails
D. Pounded yam

159. What was Tomiwa’s ambition?
A. To become a dancer
B. To become a cleaner
C. To become a singer
D. None of the above

160. In the novel it was stated that is the

second to English in the ranking of international languages
A. Spanish
B. French
C. Arabic
D. None of the above

161. In the novel, “good morning” in French means
A. Banjour
B. Bonjur
C. Bonjoo
D. Bonjour

162. “And how do you say that’s very good in french, who asked this question.
A. The teacher
B. The French Mistress
C. Bint
D. None of the above

See also  The Efik serve as ___________ between the white trader on the coast and the inland tribes of Cross river.

163. “Cest tres bien” in English means

A. Good bye
B. That’s very good
C. Welcome
D. Good morning

164. Bint immediate elder sister is
A. Jamila
B. Omar
C. Ummi
D. Teemah

165. Who was the first child in Bint family?
A Jamila
B. Omar
C. Ummi
D. Salihu

166. Who insisted on calling Ummi mum?
A. Bint
B. Jamila
C. Mallam Salihu
D. Omar

167. Who is the second child of the family?
A. Bint
B. Jamila
C. Teemah
D. Omar

168. Who was Omar immediate younger sister
A. Bint
B. Teemah
C. Jamila
D. None of the above

169. The first daughter in the family is
A. Teemah
B. Bint
C. Jamila
D. Omar

170. Bint Father read
A. Law
B. Accounting

C. Pharmacology
D. None of the above

171. Who promised to upgrade Omar touch light phone to a smart android phone
A. Dad
B. Mum
C. His sister’s
D. Mistress

172. While they trooped out and went to the courtyard, white plastic chairs were already there,
and began dusting them with an old piece of clothing
A. Omar , Bint
B. Bint, Teemah
C. Bint, Jamila
D. Omar, Jamila

173. Ummi community name is called
A. Lafeyette

B. Lafayette
C. Lafayete
D. Layafette

174. Omar scored credits including English and Mathematics at the very first attempt in his WAEC Examination
A. 8
B. 7
C. 5
D. 9

175. Omar scored _______ in his JAMB
A. 230
B. 240
C. 210
D. 250

176. The _______ was the life changer for Omar
A. Passing his WAEC result
B. Admission

See also  JAMB RELEASED 2021 RESULT (Check your result)

C. Passing the Jamb
D. None of the above

177. Omar mother was a/an
A. Lawyer
B. Accountant
C. Teacher
D. Pharmacist

178. What time does Ummi’s husband usually close from work?
A. 8pm
B. 5pm
C. 4pm
D. 7pm

179. How many students had the HOD interviewed before he attended to ummi
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None

180. In my school for just wearing the wrong colour of sandals you would be sent home, said
A. Bint
B. Omar
C. Ummi
D. Teemah

181. Was Ummi wearing her hijab at the HOD office
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don’t know
D. None of the above

182. Talle was not called the quiet one at birth?
A. True
B. False
C. I don’t know
D. None

183. How many police vans came to stop outside the District head gate?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5

184. “Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihir raji’un” said
A. The Hakimi
B. The Courtier
C. The police man
D. Zaki

185. How many times did Talle faint in the Hakimi residence?
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Three times.
D. He never fainted

186. The boy that was drugged and kidnap

spent week/weeks in Talle house before the police came and freed the boy.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. None

187. What was the initial price the kidnappers demanded for
A. 200,000
B. 1 million
C. 250,000
D. None

188. The kidnappers Ransom price later came down to
A. 250,000
B. 500,000
C. 1.5 million
D. 300,000

189. If he likes, let him trust everybody said

A. Ummi
B. Bint
C. Teemah
D. Jamila

190. What drove Salma out the University?
A. Exam Malpractice
B. Tested positive for drug abuse
C. Both A and C
D. Looked down on Dr dabo

See also  One of these is not a social development under colonial rule.

191. Which University do you think Ummi went to?
A. NorthWestern University
B. Ahmadu Bello University
C. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University
D. Taraba State University

192. Who did Salma became close to in the room all because she was in the know of the latest and craziest fashion outfits.
A. Ada

B. Ngozi
C. Tomiwa
D. None

193. Who would never cook for just herself alone whether her roommates ate or not.
A. Ngozi
B. Ada
C. Salma
D. Tomiwa

194. was the new HOD that didn’t even consider to pardon Salma for the Exam malpractice.
A. Prof. SamJohn
B. Prof. Kabir
C. Prof. Dabo
D. Prof. Amina

195. Who was behind the wheel as he changed to drive from Kwangila to Ahmad Bello University?

A. Habib
B. Labaran
C. Salihu
D. None


151. B
152. B
153. C
154. B
155. A
156. C
157. C
158. C
159. C
160. B
161. D
162. C
163. B
164. A
165. B
166. D
167. C
168. B

169. A
170. B
171. A
172. C
173. B
174. B
175. A
176. B
177. C
178. B
179. D
180. A
181. B
182. A
183. A
184. B
185. B
186. A
187. B
188. A
189. C
190. A

191. B
192. C
193. A
194. C
195. B

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