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Answer FOUR questions in all. One question from each sub section.


Answer ONE question only

1. Critically assess the role of women in the development of the theme of war in Lysistrata

2. Examine the relevance of conflict to the issue of martyrdom in Murder in the Cathedral.

3. Critically discuss the resolution of the problem of fate and destiny in Fate of a Cockroach

4. Di cuss the moral lessons dramatised in Once Upon an Elephant and show how these lessons are relevant to the contemporary African sociopolitical experience.


Answer ONE question only.

1. Critically discuss the theme of love and family in Jane Eyre.

2. Examine the character of Robinson Crusoe in relation to the theme of repentance in Robinson Crusoe.

3. Consider the significance of the characterisation of Eliza to the subject matter of Mine Boy.


Answer ONE question only

1. How effective is the persona’s tone and mood to the theme of death in “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”?

2 Discuss the poet’s use of imagery and symbolism in presenting the horror of war in “Anthem for Doomed Youth”

3. With critical analysis of the poem expatiate on the idea that domestic abuse is evident in “My Last Duchess

4. Comment on the poet’s choice of diction to convey the intended message in Kisubi’s “At Sun set”

5. Identify and critically analyse any four major themes in Owonibi’s “Africa”

6. Oswald Mtshall’s Nightfall in Soweto” predominantly captores the varying human contradictions. Discuss


Practical Criticism

Answer ONE question only

1. Using the Objective approach analyse the following poem:

My heart I gave thee, not to do it pain; But to preserve, it was to thee taken.

But that I should be rewarded again. But not to be paid under this fashion.

I served thee, not to be forsaken. Now since in thee is none other reason, Displeasure thee if that I do refrain, Unsatiate of my wee and thy desire,. Assured by craft to excuse thy fault, For he that believeth bearing in hand, Plougheth in water and soweth in the sand.

But since it please thee to feign a default, Farewell, I say, parting from the fire:

2. Using the poem below as your guide, comment on the notion of form and content in practical criticism.


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