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It is very pertinent for me to at this point congratulate you on facing the hustle and tussle of screening, I suppose it is actually not for the faint of heart, but don’t worry, this is just the beginning, I don’t mean to scare you though, but I believe you’d be alright at the end of the day. Now, Most students are wondering what’s next after being screened, I’d suppose you read to the last word to get it as this write up will shed light to what you should do after Screening  this post. For clarity I’d like we pick it one by one, below are not exhaustive but includes the important and the needful:

1. Proceed to your portal to make payment : UNILAG enables student who has completed their registration to proceed to payment, there are two methods for payment, you can either pay online (through remita) or Generate pay advice which you can proceed to bank to pay by yourself, I suppose the latter option is kind of better but at the same time stressful because most banks observe covid protocols. As to paying online through REMITA make sure your card is either Master card or Visa card, gives you a better edge compare to verve, and after payment, you can move to the next step

2. REGISTER YOUR COURSES : you can search for the course registration on your portal it’s right on the long list after clicking the 3 draw line button at the top-left corner of your portal, from there, you can register your courses, make sure you talk to any senior colleague you know around or a friend that has talked to a senior colleague, don’t assume courses for yourself, I believe you don’t want to start carrying courses over due to your mistake and that is why persons like us are available, if anything you can comment here I’d reply you or add you to a group that had help you see through the course Registration. Course registration is very important and it closes, and I believe you actually don’t wanna sleep on a bicycle. After this, move to next

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3. VISIT YOUR FACULTY TO GET INFO AS TO WHAT TO PAY : There are some payments which are meant to pay by any student of a faculty or department, in short, it is called FACULTY DUES AND DEPARTMENT DUES, although the money varies and it also varies across department, faculties like Law and Pharmacy don’t pay departmental dues only faculty because they are the faculty and the department together. So after the faculty and departmental dues payments I believe you’ve now become a full fledge citizen of your faculty, permit me to use “citizen” but UNILAG could still deny you of your admission if you did not undergo your Toxicology test, which brings me back here as fourth point.

4. TOXICOLOGY TEST : As you can see, the school cherishes the Toxicology test probably even more than their name because, UNILAG had like to ensure that this particular person we are admitting is of good behavior and all those good stuff, so if you know you smoke and all and your blood is totally stained with whatever you indulge in, it either you lose your admission or you leave your toxic act. So hey, you go and start taking red oil… just kidding but make sure you desist from whatever can make you come out positive. UNILAG don’t joke with Toxicology test so help yourself by quickly doing it.

5. BE PREPARED FOR BALLOTING: This is like every UNILAG student mental health day, because you’d really be stress trying to secure space in the University hostel, I’m telling you, trust me, it’s not for the faint of heart neither is by power but sometimes the persons with the best network do win, so if you have 7g network around you steal or borrow it, joking! Better don’t steal and forget your admission, just saying make sure you have a very strong network that had help you over others, the bed spaces are limited compare to number of who’s balloting and as a year 1 student, I suppose you stay in school, so you’d understand how everything around here works, I didn’t regret staying in school in year 1 and 2, was a nice experience with people from different ends across the country in same hostel with you. Besides, UNILAG’s light is the best even if you like cooking beans, UNILAG allows you to bring Hot plate and all that your chef whatever to the hostel.

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5. OTHER REGISTRATION : you’ve got to do some other registrations like Library registration, Medical registration and so on, the library registration avails you to lend books from the library and all of that, and to even read on the Main Library where I believe you can read without noise as compare to the hostel.

6. BE READY TO READ LIKE NEVER BEFORE : were you still having the notion of you being champion from your Secondary school, hey, you, lol, I’d like you dead the thought, you’d see people that are way better, just keep your head straight and focus, you can always be the best and that can only happen when you read smart, don’t think because you’re the best from wherever you can easily dominate, no! It doesn’t work that way, but in anything you do make sure you read at least 3-4 hours a day, excluding law student and Medicine because you guys signed up for hell when you’re coming in just be sleeping in the library already.

So we’ve come to the end of this, if you feel there are things I omitted you can do well to comment below I’d add and reply as fast and also do well to subscribe to our newsletter. See you some other times.



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