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Political apathy is an ideology on the ground that someone or some set of people hate politics and never want to participate in the political affair of the country, this set of people might have aquire this heresy from anyone, it might be through radio
program, enlightenment in an event, television program and many many place of where things can get to ones head.

If there is one thing that allows the government to continue to be reckless, frivolous, unstable and overall unsafe to the country, it is political apathy. It means people’s lack of caring about what happens to the government of the country, the citizens feel under concerned about what happens to the society but still they demand change of which will never come to them if such beliefs is put in place, this has prevent many changes to happen to the society due to nonchalant act and the way they have always believe in it, due to this political indifference, politicians do what they want rather than what the country wants.

Now let say political apathy for proper explanation could be slipped into two sides.

A. POLITICAL : this an ideology of government which relate to ways of which power could be aquire or use in the political administration of a state. 

B. APATHY : this can also be called in passivity or perfunctoriness is a state of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation, and passion. 

Apathy, in ordinary English is an act of not showing interest in something. So for this political apathy means that you never care about politics or it could go way round to mean that you never want to take any active part in anything called politics, now the thing you have just done and you called apathy is for the benefit of other I.e the crazy politicians and anyone who know how to trick is way out round about the law to is own favour, not involving in politics should be like a shame on you because this simply means, you are making people to choose what right you are to follow for you.

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Some of the ways to fight political apathy include :
  1. KNOWING THAT THIS IS MY RIGHT AND DEFENDING IT : knowing one right is one thing but defending it is another, to make political apathy stay of you, you have to imbibe the ideology of I have to exercise my right and no one will stop me, have this at the back of your mind and it will better for you.
  2. POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT : one of the dimensions of fighting apathy is engaging in politics which involves the willingness and the capability of citizens to participate effectively in self rule. 
  3. COMMITMENT TO FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES : another is the way you are committed to work with government  of the country, the way you want to put your self available for the government work. 
  4. JOIN POLITICAL PARTY : Join a registered political party is critical to upholding the idea off democracy where members are exposed or taught on the necessary elections.
  5. MASS EDUCATION : mass education is equally necessary in fighting political apathy since knowledge is power, so we have to keep on pushing. 

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