How to Successfully register for JAMB 2021

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This post is going to be on how candidates can successfully register JAMB and the instructions to follow before proceeding to accredited centres, it is pertinent you read to the end.

1. Any candidate hoping to successfully register JAMB 2021 must have enrol for his/her NIN, after that

2. The cell phone use to send NIN to 55019 is automatically tied with the candidate name supplied by NIMC and it will be used in all communications related to his or her applications/Examination 

3. Go to your phone message type NIN then space then the 11 digit number on your NIN printed slip that was given to you at the NIN registration centre e.g (NIN 123456789123) then send to 55019

4. After sending the message to 55019, such candidate will be sent to his phone a ten long digit profile code (number) and registers name with NIMC

5. After this first four process, this candidate is required to take the 10 digit profile code to bank and other merchant. He/she will be give an E-pin which will then be taken to the jamb accredited centre. CHECK ACCREDITED CENTRES HERE

6. A valid Email aaddress is aswell needed although later as Jamb already scrap email for registration 

7. O level results will be required, though some candidate are going to use awaiting, ND/NCE/BSC/JUPEB RESULT will be required of some students 

 At the CBT centre you are expected to take your biometrics and given a slip at the end of the process. Date and time of your examination will be communicated soon to you, cos it wouldn’t be available on such slip



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