30 Biology Preparatory Questions for Examination and Answers

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1.    A tube which connects the kidney to the bladder is                               

(a)  urethra  (b) ureter  (c) capillaries  (d)  pelvis

2.  Blood vessels are present in………                        

(a) crustaceans (b)  arthropods  (c)  flatworms (d) earthworms

3. The diaphgram is……..during expiration            (a)  dome shape  (b)  flattened  (c)  circular    (d)  irregular

4. The following are viral disease except            

(a)  Influenza (b)  tuberculosis  (c)  small pox     (d)  polio

5.  Muscles are attached to bones by means of…

(a)  Ligament (b)  tendons  (c)  cartilage  (d) connective tissues

6. Food is retained in the stomach for how many hours for normal human   

(a)  1   (b)  2  (c) 4   (d)  6

7. Which of the following is not true bout hydra…….                           

(a)  It is a carnivore   (b)  it posses stinging cells on its tentacles   (c)  it performs only extracellular digestion   (d)  it performs intra cellular digestion

8.   Red blood cells are destroyed in the                     

(a)  bone ma    (b)  tonsit  (c)  spleen  (d)  capillaries

9.    Transport of water vylem vessels is due to all these except                      

(a)  transpirational pull   (b)  capillary action  (c) root pressure  (d)  root pull

10. Deoxygenated blood is………   (a)  bright red (b) dark red  (c)  reddish brown  (d) reddish-black

11. Plasma transports all of these but                    (a)  urea  (b)  CO2  (c)  O2  (d)  digested food

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12. A recessive disorder in which an injury is unable to clot easily, leading to profuse bleeding in small cuts is……                         

(a) Haemophila   (b) haemolysis                            (c) deficiency of nicotinic acid   (d) deficiency of vitamin C

13. The total amount of energy produced in man after respiration is……  

(a)  2ATP  (b)  38ATP    (c)  36ATP    (d)  16ATP

14. The cell division stage that may occur simultaneously with cytokinesis is                             

(a)  Prophase  (b) metaphase   (c)  telophase    (d)  anaphase

15. The following are involved in homeostasis except   (a)kidney  (b)  lungs  (c)  skin  (d)  liver

16. The correct pathway of increasing flow if energy is  

(a)  Bacteria → lion → zebra → grass                        (b)  bacteria→zebra →lion→grass                          (c)   grass→ zebra → lion → bacteria                        (d)  fungi→ lion → zebra→grass

17. The following except one are effects of over population  

(a)  high rate of diseases    (b)  shortage of food      (c)  shortage of disease   (d)  reduced living space

18. The photoreceptors in the eyes responsible for night vision and is extremely sensitive to light is                                                       

(a)  Rods  (b)  cornea  (c)  lens   (d)  cones

19.   Which of these is not a white blood cell          

(a)Eosinophils (b)  neutrophils  (c)  leucocytes  (d)  basophils


20. In humans, coordination is achieved through the actions of………      

(a) CNS and brain      (b)  brain and spinal cord (c) endocrine & nervous system  (d)  cals and peripheral nervous system

21. The amount of roater loss from leaf can be detected using       

(a) red litmus paper    (b)  blue litmus paper  (c)pink cobalt nutride  (d)  blue cobath chloride

22. Which of these parts of the mamalian ear is directly concerned with the sense of balance        (a)  semicircular canals  (b)  Eustachian tube   (c)  cochlea  (d)  ear-drum 

23. If a tall man (TT) marries a dwarf woman (tt) and they have four male children, the children will be……                                           

 (a)  Three short, one tall                                           

 (b) all tall        

 (c)  one short, three tall                    

 (d)  two tall, two short

24. Aemophilous flowers are     

(a)  Flowers with beautiful scent                            (b) wind pollinated flowers                                        (c)  insect pollinated flowers     

(d)  water pollinated flowers

25. The following grow with hypogeal germination except                                                    (a)  maize   (b)  cowpea  (c) grain seed  (d)  yam bean

26. The pineapple is /an…                                          (a)  True fruit, fleshy fruit, composite fruit            (b) false fruit, aggregate fruit, dry fruit                    (c)  false fruit, composite fruit, fleshy fru              (d)  true fruit, dry fruit, simple fruit     

27.    The structure A can be found in………          (a)  Earthworm   (b)  planaria   (c)  spider    (d)  protozoa

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28. The part labeled I in structure A is called…..  

(a)  Lumen   (b)  citia   (c)  nucleus   (d) basal granule

29. The part labeled II in structure  is called………                                                                  

(a)  axon    (b)  nyclin sheath   (c)  dendron     (d)  ranvier

30. The eye defect which is due to the uneven curvature of the cornea or less or both 

(a)  Myopia   (b)  hypermetropia (c)  astigmation (d)  presbyopia 


1. B   16. D

2. C    17. C

3. A    18. A

4. B     19. N/A

5. B     20. C

6. C      21. D

7. D      22. A

8. C       23. B

9. D       24. B

10. B      25. A

11. C      26. C

12. A      27. B

13. B      28. B

14. C       29. A

15. D       30. C

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