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Principle of contribution is executed when numerous insurance policies are covering the same property or loss, the total payment for actual loss is proportionally partitioned among all insurance companies.

In insurance, the principle of contribution in born from principle of repayment. It is utilized to will maintain proceeded with presence to safeguard the principle of reimbursement

Therefore, principle of contribution just applies to those insurance contracts which are contracts of repayment.

In fact, be that as it may, there would have been possibilities of getting more than the actual loss had the principle of contribution not been established with legal force.

Just to give a probability, the insured would have gotten a claim in full, numbers of times, by affecting numbers of policies with various insurers thereby defeating completely the principle of reimbursement.

Like subrogation, therefore, has come up the principle of contribution with the sole plan to safeguard the principle of repayment.

Contribution is a correct that an insurer has, who has paid under an approach, of calling other intrigued insurers in the loss to pay or contribute rate-able to the payment.

This means that if at the season of loss it is discovered that there is more than one strategy covering the same loss then all policies should pay the loss proportionately to the degree of their particular liabilities with the goal that the insured does not get more than one entire loss from all these sources.

On the off chance that a particular insurer pays the full loss then that insurer shall have the privilege to call all the intrigued insurers to pay him back to the degree of their individual liabilities, regardless of whether equally or something else.


The insured, by no means, shall be allowed to take the advantage of all the policies individually to get the full claim number of times.

Regardless of whether the insured recovers from all the policies, he shall have to discount all such payments in overabundance of the actual loss sustained.

As this principle virtually acts the hero of the principle of repayment, therefore, similar to subrogation, the assertion “it is a corollary to the principle of reimbursement” equally holds well with regard to the principle of contribution.

As life and personal accident contracts are not contracts of reimbursement, this principle does not apply thereto.


It is virtually in the viewpoint of claims settlement that this principle is of vital importance. In this regard, the accompanying considerations must be noted carefully;

At the point when Contribution Principle Operates

Before contribution can operate the accompanying conditions must be satisfied;

There must be more than one strategy included and all the policies covering the loss must be in force.This is surely knew. On the off chance that there is just a single approach required there is nothing which can contribute and similarly if at the season of loss it is discovered that a particular strategy in the parcel isn’t in force because of some reason that that arrangement cannot be called upon to contribute.

All the policies must cover the same subject-matter.If all the policies cover the same insured but unique subject-matters altogether then the topic of contribution would not arise.


All the policies must cover the same risk causing the loss.If the policies cover diverse dangers, some normal and some remarkable, and if the loss isn’t caused by a typical hazard, the subject of contribution would not arise.

All the policies must cover the same enthusiasm of the same insured. An example will make the recommendation clear. Give us a chance to assume that “An” is the proprietor of a car and has obtained a loan from “B” on the security of the car. Here both An and B have got insurable intrigue and can, therefore, affect policies individually. On account of damage to car both An and B


When it is established that the above factors are satisfied and contribution is to apply then the following course is to discover the liability under each approach.

Usually, this is on the whole insured basis under each approach and is generally known as the proportionate liability or separate liability of each arrangement.

Principle of Contribution in Insurance Law and Contract

It ought to be clearly borne as a top priority that despite the fact that there is no contribution condition in the approach, that is to say, that, regardless of whether it isn’t specified in the strategy that contribution would apply, by the by, it is the legal right of the insurers to get the benefit of contribution.

The privilege is suggested at law. In any case, the situation as to when and how the privilege can be practiced varies at precedent-based law and under approach condition.


Under custom-based law, the position is this that the insured can claim everything of loss from any of his preferred insurers when that insurer will have the trouble of asking contribution from the other intrigued insurers.

But under a strategy condition the insurers may require the insured to claim proportionately from all the insurers comfortable origin rather than claiming full from the arrangement subject to this condition: in practice, non-marine policies do usually contain a condition as such and it is most unusual to discover such a condition in marine policies..

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