How To Write Acknowledgement Page in Project

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Well, are you about to write a project and you feel stress and uncomfortable stressing your brain out, anyways we’ve got you covered, one of the important aspect of writing a project is the Acknowledgement page, and we given you a Paradigm on how to write Acknowledgement page. This example was made into a project on “How to use Public Relation Techniques to create goodwill for organizations”.

You can do well to look into the paradigm so you’d know what next step to take, happy reading and you can also check below to see other pages for project E.G Certification,   Dedication, Abstract and Introduction 



I sincerely extend my gratitude to all those who in one way or the other. contributed to the successful completion of my Bachelor of Science program

To start with, I give thanks to Almighty God, the beginning and the end of everything for the opportunity I received to complete my BSC program, for he has been so good to me right from day one, it is not by my power nor strength but by God grace which I received day by day

I appreciate my project supervisor Dr Bridgeton, who never stops propagating new information to us in class, I am so grateful for all your suggestion, criticism, enough useful comments and advice you made which forcefully brought out the best in me.

My regards goes to my great parent, Mr and Mrs IBKINTELLECT (your name) for their efficient, helpful, guidance, care and love, useful advice, moral and financial support,

throughout my BSC program, may you reap what you sow, I also express my gratitude to the family of the (any of your family members that has impacted)MR and MRS Kilian and the Garret’s for their prayer, advise and financial support, may the God Almighty reward you and keep you save You are great and blessed

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I also appreciate Alexander Arnold, my best friend, my sisters, brother, cousin, uncle and aunties and all my relatives home and abroad and also all my family friends.

I can’t forget my friends, Lacazette, Vandijk and others, you are the best in all. I can never forget all of you because throughout my BSC program, twenty friends can never play for twenty years, I will seriously miss you guys.

It is with my pleasure to say big thank you, I love you all.


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