How to make Amala (a traditional Nigeria swallows)

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‘Amala’ is the popular name Nigerians call it but it is made out of grinded cassava flour. The full process is not that hard, let me start from after harvesting the cassava, cut it into pieces or smaller particles and 

sundry it for like three days, after that, you realize that their is no water in it again, put it in a bowl (is better to make much) and take it to grinders, their is this special machine use in grinding it, after grinding it get hot, ones you get home don’t just leave it the way you bring it, try spreading it inside a tray or bigger bowl to avoid molding, because if you don’t do so then you are ready to spoil your since-this-day stress.

After all this process try to find a very closed teeth net to remove those dirts that might have been grinded with it, and after that the full cooking begins.

  1. Put some water in pot and set it on fire, then
  2. Watch it till it starts evaporating I.e totally hot
  3. Then set down your tuning stick and your grinded cassava flour, as the water continues to boil, pour the flours inside the hot water and keep steering it, then you realize that it get thicker and thicker, then from here
  4. You put it down and steer it more with all your strength, the more you steer the more it becomes soft. 
  5. Then your ‘amala’ is ready
One of the best soup that suits it is ‘egusi’ soup. You can also eat it with okra, ewedu, bitter leaf (ewuro) etc
Thanks for stopping by to get this, do have a nice day.

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