Simple explanation of Finite verb

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First and foremost, a Finite verb is a verb that has a subject and show tense.

For example : Bola sing song (The finite verb here is “Sing”, the subject is “Bola”. The tense is “Present Tense”.

A finite verb, Traditionally, a finite verb is the form “to which number and person appertain”, in other words, those inflected for number and person. Verbs were originally said to be finite if their form limited the possible person and number of the subject. In an example like : “The boy that came here yesterday is my cousin”

The finite verb here is “came” why? Because it’s a kind of verb that can change as in past tense and it could remain what it is in the sentence by this I mean the came could change form to come, that ability of it to change accord it to be Finite Verb, had it been it is a situation where such verb in such sentence cannot varies as in number, person, time (like the above) then it definitely means such word does not have a finite verb.

Other examples include :

  1. You fought him yesterday  (fought is the verb here and could change to fight, also, it is showing time when the event happen which is yesterday)… don’t forget we mentioned that finite verb shows time and number above
  2. Sola’s hand is so sexy that I get goosebumps all time ( the verb “is” could change to “was” which makes it a verb that can change nature) so the “is” here is a finite verb

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