Some important rules of the Unit Course System

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Some important rules of the Unit Course System

1. Courses that have prerequisites cannot be taken unless the prerequisites have been and passed

2. All courses registered for will be reckoned with during computation of results irrespective of where in the University the courses are offered.

3. Courses not registered for will not be credited to candidates, even if they are inadvertently allowed to take the examinations and pass them. Any candidate who wishes to register for a course after the period of registration is required to complete the ‘add and delete form.

4. If a candidate registers for a course and does not take the examination in the course,

a score of 0.0 will be recorded for the candidate in the course. This will bring down the candidate’s Grade Point Average (GPA). If a candidate changes his her mind about registering for a course, such candidate is required to delete the course by completing the ‘add and delete’ form after talking to his her Course Adviser.

5. One unit course means I hour of Lecture seminar/tutorial of three hours of practical per week for one sofp semester of 15 weeks. 2 units – 2 hours of lecture/seminar/tutorial per week or one hour of lecture/tutorial/seminar plus 3 hours of practical per week).

6. For every course registered, a student must attend at least 65% of the lectures. The lecturer reserves the right to disallow a defaulting student from taking the examination.

7. Compulsory courses not passed are carried over to the next semester or year. In essence, no student repeats a class; he/she may only repeat courses.

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8. A student who scores below 1.0 GPA in any semester is given a WARNING. If the student still scores below 1.0 in the following semester, the student is placed on PROBATION A third, consecutive score below 1.0 will earn the student Withdrawal from the Department.

9. A student who scores above 1.0 is in good academic standing even if he has some courses to carry over

Some courses have Prerequisites The Prerequisite courses must be passed before a higher level courses can be taken. A Prerequisite course may be waived for suitably qualified candidates with the

approval of Senate

A compulsory course

is one which must be registered for and passed by a student to obtain the degree and is counted towards his her degree classification. These are also counted towards clasification after the compulsory courses have been counted

An audited course

is one that the student attends but is not examined in.

Registration Deadline

Students are required to complete and submit their Course Registration Forms within seven weeks of resumption.

Admission and Withdrawal from Courses

Admission into course closes at the end of the third full week of each semester or as may be decided by the university.

A student can withdraw from a course without penalty any time up to and including the seventh full week of the semester by duly completing the relevant forms. Any student who withdraws after the seventh week will be deemed to have failed the course, except in special cases approved by the Faculty Board of Studies.

Lecture Schedule

Lectures for full-time academic programmes in the Faculty are normally scheduled during the day on weekdays.

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Examination Procedure and Assessment
The Faculty operates the Unit Course system, which is comprised of two academic semesters per session. Each course is normally examined at the end of the semester in which it is offered. In addition
to this, a system of Continuous Assessment is used to assess the progress of the students enrolled for each course. Any or a combination the students enrolled for each course. Any or a combination of test exercises, assignments, presentations or semester papers may be used for the continuous assessmen The Continuous Assessment normally accounts for 40% of the total score for a course, while the Examination at the end of the Semester accounts for the remaining 60%. The minimum pass mark in any course is 40%.

External Examiners are usually appointed to

moderate all 300 and 400 level examinations.

In order to signed up for examination, a candidate is required to attend a minimum of 65% of the lectures for the course.

Under the unit course system, the score obtained by student in individual courses are converted to grade points as follows :


1. 70 – 100 = A

2. 60 – 69 = B

3. 50 – 59 = C

4. 40 – 49 = D

5. 30 – 39 = E

6. 20 – 29 = F


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