MEANING OF CONTENTMENT What is Contentment?? Contentment is said to be a state of self-satisfaction with what one has or one possesses. Contented person is said to be satisfied and happy even glad with little or minor thing that you have...
Political apathy is an ideology on the ground that someone or some set of people hate politics and never want to participate in the political affair of the country, this set of people might have aquire this heresy from anyone, it...
Parenthood is an act of giving birth to child, nursing and raising up of children. Parenthood is a long time life process to which human as in from birth are raise under the cared of another two individual or individual i.e...
PRESIDENTIAL SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT On today educational post we are going to be discussing on the tenet and all what makes the presidential system works , the system is defined right after coining out a very first meaning of fro the...
Reading can be defined as the concept or an idea whereby one construct or negotiate meaning from a written text. Reading should be one main basic life thing for everyone, it serve as the brain-box to which many people have the...
As far as people continue giving birth so as life continue expanding and with this the need to live in it arises as one of the major thing one as visit the health for , as far as everyone is created...
Friendship is an act of making people around you have good impression of you and at the same time allowing their mind free in line with yours. Friendship doubles it meaning not to only means an act of making friend but...
Sovereignty is a modern day feature which means the superior power the government/state has on every citizen or inhabitants of that particular city or country, when a state is sovereign, it is totally free from opposition from other state or country...
Pick the odd one out. (a) black axe (b) black cat (c)vikings fraternity (d)deeper life bible church ogun state has how many local government (a) 30 (b) 21 (c) 30 (d) 20 The laid down rule stating how a country will be...
1………….is the set of rules and regulations through which a society is governed (a) book (b) document (c) law (d) theory Ans : law, it is what defines the do and does of a society 2………..propounded rule of law (a) John...